Heavens and Earth

T.J. Hübner
Nov 15, 2021

From planet to myth

From celestial to God

There are many a name

Of worshipful fame

To the academic of heart

Astronomer or anthropologist

Searching the wider plains

For knowledgeable gains

To what was or is

A connection of theories

Hoping to find a clue

That factual glue

Residing within or without

The confines of reality

Searching the land

By eye or hand

For a glimpse of the past

To prove some deity

Looking to the stars

Between Neptune and Mars

For evidence of life

Beyond the mortal confines

As humanity evolves

And planets revolve

We all search the

heavens and earth

Inquisitive of causation

Questioning our creation

Is it mythical or scientific?

Was it a God’s will or evolutionary?

Only you have the answers

To your own beliefs of mortality



T.J. Hübner

Poet, Author, Writer and Ex-Caregiver — Dementia and Caregiver advocate. Lone wolf who has found his voice.