Crave a Rebirth

T.J. Hübner
Feb 10, 2022


Photo by Hugues de BUYER-MIMEURE on Unsplash

I make the slow walk
of destiny towards the
grave of eternity

As the end approaches
and darkness arises, I
crave a rebirth

The mind is declining,
the body is deteriorating,
brave is accepting fate

Questions are asked
of my mortal soul
slave or free person

Memories start to fade
faces no longer known
waive creates unpredictability

Diffusion of thought
nightmarish recollections
cave of discombobulations

Reality torn asunder
simplicity now a difficulty
gave at birth, taken in age

What is seen, cannot be undone
what is felt, not explainable
wave of emotion, uncontrollable

Each hour a memory gone
Each day an ability lost
Rave, but no sense or sound

Dementia’s own death
comes with untold stress
stave of pain unleashed

I feel the coming
of the end, my reality a
grave of uncertainty



T.J. Hübner

Poet, Author, Writer and Ex-Caregiver — Dementia and Caregiver advocate. Lone wolf who has found his voice.